Price from:
90 QAR
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Paintless Paintball

Discover the Excitement of Paintless Paintball! 
Looking for an adrenaline-packed game? Experience the thrill of Paintless Paintball—combining laser tag with paintball action, but without the mess! Perfect for families, friends, and corporate groups. Play in a vibrant, black-lit arena and engage in exciting battles with friends. Book now and be part of the future of extreme sports!
  • Real-Time Action
Our advanced real-time scoreboard keeps track of player hits, team scores, and game time, all while enhancing the atmosphere with immersive battle sound effects.

  • Team Competition
Join the fun as you compete in two teams: Red and Green. Each player is equipped with a high-tech RF impact vest that features built-in sensors to detect hits from the Phazer Balls, ensuring a thrilling experience for everyone involved.

  • How to play
– Teams: Two teams—Team Green and Team Red, with 2 to 5 players on each team.
– Game Start: Both teams start at their respective bases; the game begins on the referee’s whistle.
– Objective: Score points by hitting opponents’ vests with paintballs.
– Victory Conditions: The team with the highest points at the end wins, or a team may surrender, resulting in an immediate win for the opposing team.
– Player Elimination: Players are eliminated only if they break a rule and must return to their base.
– Game Duration: Each game lasts 15 to 20 minutes, depending on the package selected.
– Field Boundaries: Players must remain within designated field boundaries. Stepping out of bounds
  • Minimum Age: 14+ (Guests under 18 must have parental consent to participate) 
  • Team Composition: 2 teams—Team Green and Team Red 
  • Players per Team: 2 to 5 players
  • Total Players per Game: 4 to 10 players


Place Vendome Lusail
Place Vendome Lusail
View directions
Place Vendome Lusail

Paintless Paintball Ticket prices

Rookie Package
from 90 QAR
Challenger Package
from 125 QAR
Why buy with Platinumlist?
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Secure Checkout
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Instant confirmation
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Official Ticket Seller
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