11 Dec, Thu
Doors open   20:00
Event ended


11 Dec, Thu
Doors open 20:00
Hilton Hotel
Event ended
More info
It's happening folks! You asked, and we answered. Come Thursday 11th of December, warming up session by Doha's own DJ Mubarak & Krunkmaster Dj SLIK will be turning the Hilton Hotel Rooftop into the embassy of Afro/urban tunes. Join us for an experience in music asskickery from that unique African dimension. This will be an evening of pure uncompromising eargasms. Let the sound of Africa wrap you in her rhythmic embrace while you work out if you can really dance, or you're just partially deaf. Hilton Hotel promise to be on their best behaviour if you are. Heaters and tiki lights will be on hand to ensure warmth and that exotic atmos that's always cool. Join us for what will be a 'break-your-foot-off-in-it' night!


Hilton Hotel
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