Price from:
35 QAR
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Bazooka Ball

Get ready for an exciting game of Bazooka Ball in our vibrant Glow-In-The-Dark Arena! 🎯 Using regular markers and 2-inch foam balls, players wear high-impact sensor vests while enjoying real-time electronic scoring and immersive sound effects. Alternatively, enjoy the action outdoors in an open field setting, where the game remains just as exciting without the vests and scoring.
  • Real-Time Action
Whether you’re a competitive player or just looking for a fun outing with family and friends, Bazooka Ball is designed for players of all ages. It’s a fantastic way to enjoy a day of action-packed fun while creating lasting memories together.

  • Team Competition
Join the fun as you compete in two teams: Red and Green. Each player is equipped with a high-tech RF impact vest that features built-in sensors to detect hits from the Phazer Balls, ensuring a thrilling experience for everyone involved.

  • How to play
Bazooka Ball uses “LOW IMPACT” foam balls that are safe, fun, and easy for everyone to enjoy! Simply load a Bazooka Ball into the patented barrel, aim, and fire for a thrilling experience!
  • Minimum Age: 7+ 
  • Guests under 18 must be accompanied by an adult (18+) who will sign the waiver. 
  • Number of Players per Game: 
  • Team Composition: 2 to 5 players 
  • Players per Game: 4 to 10 players


Place Vendome Lusail
Place Vendome Lusail
View directions
Place Vendome Lusail

Bazooka Ball Ticket prices

Rookie Package
from 35 QAR
Challenger Package
from 60 QAR
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Secure Checkout
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Official Ticket Seller
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